Wood Stoves



Each model of wood stove has the possibility of being enriched at the base by adding a comfortable bench made of fine woods. It is possible to add a maximum of seven of these functional elements to the stove, which are dry fixed without the aid of any adhesive.


For more examples and dimensions, see the section "STOVES" - "Wood Stoves.".


Radius Elements (R620) solid oak 40mm thick.
In this case 7 elements were mounted plus a buffer under the door.


Upright Elements (1200) solid oak 40mm thick.
In this case 7 elements were mounted plus a buffer under the door.


Radius Elements (R620) solid oak 40mm thick.

In this case only 4 elements were mounted plus 4 buffers under the door.

Radius Elements (R620) solid oak 40mm thick.

In this case only 4 elements were mounted plus 4 buffers under the door.

The possible shape of single elements.
Personalized elements on request.



Made by Bo.Di.